If you have never chosen a “trusted” dentist and you have been presented with a problem, for example caries, you will most likely find yourself several times looking for the right dentist for your needs: if you live in the Abbiategrasso area, we can be the solution to your problems .
The study has a large staff, consisting of six doctors and three assistants. Among these numerous professionals you can take advantage of the services offered by Dr. Marco De Angelis, by Dr. Luca De Blasi, by Dr. Alessandro Peronnia , by Dr. Riccardo Lupi , by Dr. Mauro Rinonapoli , by Dr. Andrea Scribante , by Dr. Matteo Massarini , by Dr. Gianluigi Flore and by Dr. Carlo Fallacara : all Doctors in Dentistry .
Specifically, Dr. Marco De Angelis (Doctor of Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics Specialist in Odontostomatological Surgery) is at the same time the founder of the aforementioned study and of the Lombard Medical Center . Starting from here, his experience has expanded by operating in other cities of Lombardy, so it is not just a dentist in Abbiategrasso. His figure is more dedicated to staff training, to the control of process excellence and to the introduction of new avant-garde aspects in the instruments and techniques used.
You can also take advantage of our services in Pavia (at the Polimedica Cairoli), in Garlasco and obviously in Milan , at the aforementioned Center Lombard doctor . Thanks to many studies and as much experience in the field, we have set up very serious staff training courses that allow us to offer the same high level of service in all our offices.
We are happy to boast excellent collaborators in our staff such as Dr. Luca De Blasi , graduate cum laude in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics at the University of Pavia, the Dr . Alessandro Peronnia graduated in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics at the University of Pavia , and now a professional gnathologist and i Dott.ri Wolves, Rinonapoli and Scribante, specialists graduated in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics with years of previous experience.